Sober Living

Alcoholic Nose Rhinophyma: The Real Cause, and How to Treat It

pictures of alcoholic nose

It later progresses to acne rosacea and causes inflammatory breakouts. When left untreated, the skin condition rosacea can cause the nose to grow or become bulbous in appearance. Alcohol use disorder and skin conditions like rosacea are connected because of the potential for pictures of alcoholic nose alcohol to worsen existing skin conditions.

pictures of alcoholic nose

Side Effects Of Alcohol Abuse In People With Rhinophyma

  • Our trusted behavioral health specialists will not give up on you.
  • “Alcoholic nose,” or drinker’s nose, is a skin condition commonly identified by a red, bumpy, or swollen appearance of the nose and cheeks.
  • Because of this, people who drink a lot or increase their alcohol intake over time and also have rosacea may experience increased side effects — including alcoholic nose.
  • Treatment plans for alcoholism may include detox, inpatient alcohol rehab, 12-step programs, aftercare and relapse prevention planning, and more.

You might be familiar with a pervasive stereotype of alcoholics having a red face or a plump, bulbous kind of nose. At Renaissance Recovery our goal is to provide evidence-based treatment to as many individuals as possible. Give us a call today to verify your insurance coverage or to learn more about paying for addiction treatment. A recent National Rosacea Society survey found that 90% of respondents who limited alcohol consumption noticed a reduction in outbreaks of rosacea. Only 10% of those surveyed said alcohol had no effect at all on their rosacea. Join 40,000+ People Who Receive Our Newsletter Get valuable resources on addiction, recovery, wellness, and our treatments delivered directly to your inbox.

pictures of alcoholic nose

Levels of Care

  • However, rhinophyma can make normal breathing through the nose a challenge.
  • Excessive drinking has numerous impacts on your body and mind, ranging from mild to severe.
  • If you’re concerned about the effects of alcohol on your nose, you may want to consider cutting back on your consumption.
  • Ria Health offers several FDA-approved medications for alcohol use disorder.
  • Rhinophyma is not caused by alcohol consumption, as was previously believed.
  • Jaundice causes a yellow tint to the skin and the whites of your eyes because of a buildup of bilirubin in the body.

Below are some of the most common physical indications that you or a loved one may have alcoholic nose. Additionally, a study published in the Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology noted that alcohol consumption increases the risk of rosacea in women. Similar research is needed on the link between alcohol consumption and rosacea in men.

Drinker’s Nose: Is “Alcoholic Nose” Really From Drinking?

  • However, recent research has suggested that while alcohol worsens the symptoms of rhinophyma, it is not the primary cause.
  • Some races, such as Asians, lack certain enzymes to process alcohol, leading them to have a flushed face upon consuming alcohol.
  • Mild rhinophyma is best suited for medication, which often includes topical anti-inflammatories and antibiotics.
  • If a person drinks too much alcohol, their nose might become bright red if they suffer from rhinophyma.
  • An alcoholic nose, also known as Rhinophyma, has spider veins on the nose, possibly aided by and or worsened by heavy alcohol consumption.
  • It later progresses to acne rosacea and causes inflammatory breakouts.

If blood vessels are more open, more blood can flow to the skin’s surface. While the cause of rosacea is unknown, it is believed that environmental and genetic factors can increase your risk profile for this distressing skin condition. Fields, an early 20th-century American actor known for his heavy drinking, who called the bumps on his enlarged nose “gin blossoms”. Mental health professionals use these and other signs of addiction alcoholism symptoms to diagnose alcohol use disorder.

pictures of alcoholic nose

It is vital to speak with a healthcare provider for an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment plan if you suffer from an alcoholism nose disorder. “Alcoholic nose,” describes a swollen, red, bumpy nose, that can be worsened by drinking too much alcohol. Continue to read to learn more about the causes and signs of an alcoholic nose. In addition, we offer detox services as part of our addiction recovery program. This is a great tool for those looking to stop drinking because of alcoholic nose.

Not all heavy drinkers will develop a Gin Blossom nose, and not everyone with a red or swollen nose is a heavy drinker. Other factors, such as genetics, sun exposure, and certain medical conditions, can also contribute to the development of rosacea. The below alcohol nose pictures show the disfiguring red nose from alcohol and other conditions. While Rosacea can be triggered by heavy chronic drinking, it can also be genetic or caused by other factors. In any case, using the medical term for alcoholic nose is a helpful way to stop spreading misinformation and decrease the stigma surrounding rosacea. At the end of the day, it is just a skin disorder and should not be used to make assumptions about someone’s drinking habits.

pictures of alcoholic nose

We offer a state-of-the-art inpatient facility and have specialized options for trauma, including EMDR and a specialty track for veterans and first responders. Rhinophyma, often colloquially called “alcohol nose,” is characterized by a red, swollen, and bumpy nose. While alcohol can exacerbate the symptoms of rhinophyma, it is not the sole cause of the condition. Rhinophyma, commonly referred to as “alcohol nose,” is a condition characterized by an enlarged and reddened nose. Diagnosing rhinophyma involves a comprehensive approach, including a physical examination and a review of the patient’s medical history. The only true way to prevent drinking nose is to abstain from alcohol entirely or at early signs of rhinophyma.


  • They may be afraid they will feel shamed by other people’s judgments of alcohol abuse.
  • At this point, surgical intervention is typically necessary to correct the deformity.
  • If you are suffering from rhinophyma, talk to your doctor or dermatologist to develop a plan for treatment.
  • You set your own personal goal, and we help you achieve it with coaching, medication, and other tools and resources.
  • Medication can also be used to help manage withdrawal symptoms and cravings.

For these reasons, alcohol can aggravate symptoms of rosacea to a much more noticeable extent. Moreover, certain types of alcohol, like red wine, are more likely to trigger rosacea than others. No, rhinophyma is not reversible once it progresses to its hypertrophic and bulbous stages. At this point, surgical intervention is typically necessary to correct the deformity. One option is topical metronidazole (Metrocream), a drug that reduces skin inflammation by inhibiting the generation of reactive oxygen species.

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